It is truly the best product for our applications that have only grown over the years.

Whether it be in an area on our products that require aesthetic appearance or in areas where sealing only is needed, “SeamsEasy” gets the job done quick, accurate, and cleanly.

In addition to those benefits the “SeamsEasy” product prevents silicone from sticking to operators hands and fingers after tooling, thus saving us costs on personnel clean up activities.

It would be hard to find in our factory anywhere silicone is used that does not have a can of “SeamsEasy” readily available.

Not to far back in the past I had heard how we were low in availability. Temporary internal problem I believe. I found it interesting in how quick word spread and how concerned our staff was that we would be short of product. After not hearing much about “SeamsEasy” for many years I thought to myself how the factory must really like that product and how it’s become so mainstream.

It’s good to have and continue to be a customer of “SeamsEasy”.

Best Regards,

Mike V.

OEM for foodservice equipment